Does the Library Have College Entrance and Career Practice Tests and Study Guides?
The library offers a lot of resources that might be helpful to you.
You can access test preparation materials through these databases:
LearningExpress Library You must register for a personal account to use the wide range of tests, tutorials and ebooks for adults & children. Includes college & graduate school admission tests, career exams, skill building in math, reading, grammar, writing and sciences, U.S citizenship exam, & some materials in Spanish.
Test Prep for Various Careers Free test prep materials including study guides, flashcards, and practice questions for over 1,800 different exams including teacher certifications, nursing and medical professional exams, career placement exams, state standard exams, construction and industry related exams
Also under a lot of departments general research resource guides, there is a Test Prep tab with additional books and eBook resources. See SCC Research Guides
For example: Surgical Technology - General Resources -Test Prep
Contact the library if you have any questions.