Finding an article or literary criticism on Aunt Olivia's Beau by L M Montgomery

Finding an article or literary criticism on Aunt Olivia's Beau by L M Montgomery
My assignment is to do a short story literary criticism using two stories we've read. I chose New England Nun and Aunt Olivia's Beau. My thesis is: The women of “Aunt Oliva’s Beau” and “New England Nun” both highlight the importance of their independence through words and actions as they navigate an impending marriage. But I'm having a hard time finding articles or anything related to Aunt Olivia's Beau. I've also tried to look for articles discussing Women issues in the 1900s which has been tricky as well. Any help would be great.


"Aunt Olivia's Beau" is a short story that doesn't have literary criticism written about it. You are on the right track trying  to find articles relating to women's issues in 1900's. Another good choice would to be to find sources about L.M. Montgomery and her other works and relate them back to "Aunt Olivia's Beau" as there is information in the databases about the author.

Here is the link to the literature databases:  Literature & Criticism (English)

I would start with Gale Literature database

Some suggested keyword searches: 

L. M. Montgomery and women roles

L. M. Montgomery and women issues

L. M. Montgomery and spinsters or old maids

Spinsters and independence

women and independence from men

Please contact Ask-A-Librarian if you need additional help.



  • Last Updated May 10, 2023
  • Views 311
  • Answered By Mary Daubenspeck

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