Can I Cite Short Stories for Students as More Than One Source in My English 102 Paper?


Yes, depending on which sections you use of the entry. If you use anything from the overview (top), that has no author and would count as one. If you use information from one or more of the critical essays under the "Criticism" section, those all have individual authors and would each count as a separate source if you use information from different authors. 


This is a breakdown using the entry for "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves" as the example. This source has different sections, and one of those sections is called "Criticism" (towards the end). In this section, there are several critical essays written by different authors about your story. The author's name is at the beginning of the essay, so if you look at the Criticism section, the first essay is written by April Paris. If you keep scrolling down, the second essay is written by Sarah Salway. The third essay is really an interview with the author of the story and by Jess Pane and Karen Russell. the fourth is by Eryn Loeb. 

If those essays are relevant to what you're writing about, you can use one or more of them as separate sources for your paper. So if you could use two of those essays, you would cite them separately for your paper - you do this by putting the essay's author at the beginning of the citation, like this: 

Paris, April. "'St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves.'" Short Stories for Students, edited by Kristen A. Dorsch, vol. 49, Gale, 2019, pp. 269-272. Gale eBooks, 

Salway, Sarah. "'St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves.'" Short Stories for Students, edited by Kristen A. Dorsch, vol. 49, Gale, 2019, p. 272. Gale eBooks, 

In addition, if you use any of the material at the beginning like the historical context or style, you would cite the entry as a whole with no author (since we don't know who wrote this (please note, the citation tool says Karen Russell is the author, but this is a mistake - she wrote the short story, not this entry for Short Stories for Students): 

"'St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves.'" Short Stories for Students, edited by Kristen A. Dorsch, vol. 49, Gale, 2019, pp. 261-277. Gale eBooks, 

If you only want to reference one section, like the historical context, you can add that to your entry like this:

"'St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves:' Historical Context." Short Stories for Students, edited by Kristen A. Dorsch, vol. 49, Gale, 2019, pp. 261-277. Gale eBooks, 

Please also note, if you use that interview listed, you'll want to cite it as an interview, which will be a little different. See SCC Interview page, and this link to the MLA Style Center that talks more about a published interview (which this is).

Short Stories for Students

Short Stories for Students

Short Stories for Students is a great place to start! Learn more about your short story's characters, themes, style, setting, symbols and more! Use the search box to see if there is an entry on your short story (just type in the title). *Each entry also has several literary criticism essays also.

  • Last Updated Jul 20, 2023
  • Views 35
  • Answered By Mary Daubenspeck

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