How to do a proper cover page? Format my paper properly?


It depends on the style you are using. MLA does not have a cover page, APA does you a cover page, 

Here are links to SCC APA instructions on formatting documents.

  • Formatting Your Title Page in APA: these instructions show you step-by-step how to set up your APA formatting for your Title Page in Microsoft Word (with pictures). There are two sets of instructions on this page – the first is for the regular Word program. 
  • Sample Paper: This sample paper shows you how your paper should look when you're through with the set up above. The first page shows how the title page should be set up and has lots of useful information on how to format your paper in general. The second page of paper itself should looks like what the body of your paper should with examples how to format all these different elements: paraphrasing information, direct quotes, both narrative and parenthetical citations, in-text single, two, more than three, group authors some with and without pages. The third page shows a sample References page, with examples of the most typical sources used by students with notes about formatting those sources.  Underneath the sources, you'll find a list of all the formatting pieces you need to include.
  • Hanging Indent: If you're unsure how to create a hanging indent for the citations on your References page, see these instructions.


If you are instead needing to do your paper in MLA, here are links to SCC MLA instructions on formatting documents.


  • Formatting MLA Papers -step-by-step guide that show you how to set up both the paper and work cited formatting in Microsoft Word for written instructions.
  • Sample Paper that shows you what this format should look like with notes and examples of how to format all these different elements: paraphrasing information, direct quotes, both narrative and parenthetical citations, in-text no author, single, two, more than three. some with and without pages. Take a look at the notes throughout and the box at the very end that details the formatting rules for MLA style.
  • Hanging Indent: When you get to a Work Cited page, if you're unsure how to create a hanging indent for the citations, see these instructions.
  • Last Updated Sep 05, 2024
  • Views 17
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